1-Ororo- liquor
2-Gobe- trouble
3-Gbefun- Hailing
4-Ota lenu- making sense
5-Kondo alata- male private part
6-BadOo- bad guy
7-Bolo- butter or cream boy
8-Se aya bi eyin- forming bad guy
9-Si idi han iya eee- Quarreling with someone
10-Eja nla- rich, famous and glamourous
11-Je oju e- fuck up
12-Oloso- prostitute
13-Gbagbe osi- no time for nonsense
14-Igana- wall
15-Orobo- fat person
16-Lepa- slim person
17-Skoin skoin- madt person
18-Ta ni olosi- dispute tone
19-Yàbàrá- divert
20-Oju yobo- big eye balls
21-Okanran- bad guy
22-Gboju nbe- forget it
23-Jasi- get involved or understand
24-Ajasa- add more effort
25- san- beautiful
26- file- leave it
27- sayo-liquor
28- Gboju- don’t care
29- Oobi- shame on you
30- Olomoge - Damsel.

 You all can add your own in the comment section.

Culled from  https://yoobaroots.wordpress.com
